by Brian Guehring from the Brothers Grimm
Published by Dramatic Publishing
Large Mixed Cast
A mischievous and silly Jester introduces the audience to a young tailor who has been looked down on his entire life because he is small
This meek village tailor is bullied by his boss, smothered by his mother, and harassed by his customers
He does, however, dream of fighting dragons
And during one vivid fantasy he manages to kill seven flies in one blow
This achievement is half-heard and half-understood and soon the rumours spreading around the village get exaggerated until the King hears of a tailor who can kill seven Giants in one blow!
The tailor is then brought before the King and his beautiful stepdaughter
Now the tailor must find his own true courage
With the help of the Princess and the Jester he battles a rampaging unicorn, two troublesome giants, and a fierce dragon
Flexible staging, runs about 60 minutes